It's been almost 10 weeks since lockdown began in the UK and although there has been some "easing" since 10th May and there is talk now of "a roadmap" to get us out of it the SP and I are still self isolating here in the Barn.
I was chatting on line with friends from my scrapbooking group recently and the topic was "what have you achieved during lockdown"?
The "achievements" ranged from "done a lot of baking", "scrapped a lot", "learned how to cut hair", "worked out with Joe Wicks" (he's the Body Coach on UK TV Channel 4), "home schooled the kids", "gardening", "continued to work from home" to "not very much"!
I am still trying to identify the plants that I have inherited here and I have to admit that I'm not doing very well.
I recognise some of the easier ones of course, clematis, roses, hostas and geraniums others have me guessing.
I have thought about getting one of those apps for my phone which tells you what the plant is, from a photo that you take. Have you tried that? Did it help?
I guess the main thing I've achieved and not really through choice is a curly head of hair, something my mother strived endlessly to achieve for me as a child.
She would be so proud.
Eating all those bread crusts has paid off eventually it seems.
Linking to Mosaic Monday # 82 with Angie @ Letting go of the Bayleaf.